Will Tigard always have the lockers? Is this time-limited?

    The current agreement is for TPL to host the lockers for two years. At the end of the pilot phase WCCLS and TPL will work together to determine the future placement of the lockers.

    Why was Tigard selected for this project?

    The holds lockers were purchased by WCCLS with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Tigard Public Library was selected as the pilot partner to assess the workload and report out to County library partners the feasibility of expanding access through holds lockers. 

    Why was this location in the library selected for this project?

    The Holds Lockers are for indoor use only, which limited the proposed sites. The lobby was determined as the best option since expanded access to the lockers could be provided by opening the lobby earlier than regular library hours.  

    Will there be lockers in other locations? 

    Not at the current time. During the pilot phase TPL will survey community members to see if there is interest in off-site lockers or other expanded access options. 

    How was this funded?

    The holds lockers were purchased by WCCLS with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Tigard Public Library was selected as the pilot partner to assess the workload and report out to County library partners the feasibility of expanding access through holds lockers.